Monday, April 30, 2012


Take hold of the bowl
of memory in between,
whole milk and blueberries
in the field of love,
The small bowls we have
keep us alive,
Despite the sweeping wind
outside the window,
Between watchful eyes,
before distance occupies.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dr. Guoliang Fan: A Promising Scientist Who Inspires and Encourages!

Guoliang Fan was born in Xi'an, China.
He received B.S. in Automation Engineering
(Xi'an University of Technology, 1993),
and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
(University of Delaware, 2001).
Dr. Fan becomes associate professor
and Director of Visual Computing
and Image Processing Laboratory.
His research interests include image processing,
biomedical imaging and remote sensing applications.

Image Credit: on Oklahoma state University, College of Engineering..Sheng Wu,

Monday, April 23, 2012

USC at Los Angeles: Your Upbeat Spirits Rock!

California is famous for its gold rush era,
The opening of railroad transportations
gives the state another sunshine mood...
University of Southern California at
Los Angeles is what I wishes to go
in Jiyan's wish, and they
always gave me instant responses, thoughtful
instructions, and best attitudes...I miss
the connection, hope to reconnect soon.

Image Credit:, on University of Southern California, los Angeles...

College of Engineering at OSU, Stillwater: Thanks For The Warm Ups and Encouragements!

I took Calculus I, II, III
at department of mathematics,
Oklahoma State University during Junior year,
I enjoyed Dr. Mantini and Dr. Kable...
I started doing programing on Robotic program
and applied College of Engineering, it's heartbreaking to
let go of the chance remaining at Stillwater,
Northwestern University is what
I enjoy wholeheartedly today...

Image Credit: on Oklahoma State University, College of Engineering ...

Vanderbilt University: Your Acceptance Is Divine To Me!

While applying to study at universities
that best represent engineering majors,
I included Vanderbuilt University...
Fortunately, I was accepted and recommended
to respond to get in, today, I wish to show
my gratitude to Vanderbilt University
for honoring my efforts, and for
being patient and open minded to rejections...
Keep your balls rolling to shine... ;)

Image Credit: on Vanderbilt University, acceptance and Rejections, embrace..