Thursday, November 5, 2020

humor week 57, poetry and story inn fridays week 91



 Election Maps Co. (@ElectionMapsCo) | Twitter 

where does Donald trump shall go camping?

do visit California,  Oregon, New York, and Michigan state,

do promote your books and feel great...

Study links greater trust in Donald Trump to greater bias toward Asian  people amid the coronavirus pandemic

Thursday, September 24, 2020

ry and story inn fridays week 87, poetry picnic week 64, humor week 54

 Happy Holidays! How to say it in 10 different languages - Same Day  Translations 


merry days

unexpected events

children's birthdays

life time trust






tom toms

sheng sheng ri er birds singing

which is what we wish for

pray for a good mood today

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

poetry form week 49, free verse, poetry potluck week 64, humor week 50, short story slam week 153



a free verse:




dave and ava cartoon

they animate things in positive energy

a fuel for siblings and sisters

a good memory for nephews and grandparents

what a fine way to spend a day watching "barney & friends"

Thursday, June 25, 2020

june favors

hot air
maxwell house coffee
ningxia gouqi
hot tea

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

humor week 47, poetry picnic week 63, short story slam week 155, 156

why not do humor?
why not do free verse?
the day is clean
the sky is white
the blog is handsome
the humor comes in
the post is right,
humor is what we intend to rhyme
humor is words that make us feel easy

 Happy mother's day | Free Vector

Happy Mothers Day Watercolor at | Explore ...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

poetry and story inn fridays week 69, jingle poetry @washington state poetry potluck week 63, 62

Coronavirus: Trump: States can cancel standardized tests

final exam, how do you manage?


carson james, is he okay?

清平乐 (孤城闭)第一集, 第二集 ( 王凯 江疏影 吴越 喻恩泰 出演)

 清平乐吴越是配音吗演技最值得细品可惜下线太早- 秀目网 

sally ember, she seems okay in a drama 

 徽柔(任敏 饰)

 曹皇后曹丹姝扮演者江疏影资料_孤城闭曹皇后曹丹姝是谁演的介绍- 剧情族 

曹丹姝扮演者江疏影, cao danzhu by jiang suying

清平乐电视剧收视率怎么样清平乐原著小说结局是什么_娱乐资讯_新闻中心 ... 

some distant relatives

william manson,  maria perry, thomas pickens, ann  halligan,

tom lily, brad henry, zhimo xu, emma watson, yuan kong,

they perform

they record some historical events through eyes of Keelan,

a book and a mvie

scott larson, dan larson, jason grife, vivi holt, anderson cooper,



Wednesday, March 25, 2020

poetry form week 31, humor week 45, short story slam week `138

an example poem by walt whitman

title: after the sea-ship

“After the Sea-Ship—after the whistling winds;
After the white-gray sails, taut to their spars and ropes,
Below, a myriad, myriad waves, hastening, lifting up their necks,
Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship:
Waves of the ocean, bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying…”

another sample

before sunrise, --before the air is stirred with morning business,
before all dawn dew shy away from hurried footsteps,
before a primary school teacher combs her long blond hair,
some cars drive itself
traffic of buses, red light stops, anxious eyes of children

Friday, February 21, 2020

poetry and story inn fridays week 64, 65

budding talent
young and restless
cute music
a dancing star
lots of audiences

humor week 31, short story slam week 136

a giant leap
many more waters to pop
a demand
some promotion up

Thursday, January 23, 2020

humor week 30, poetry form week 26, hyde park poetry week 94, short story slam week 134

Image result for rat year chinese greetings 

Image result for rat year chinese greetings 

Image result for white house christmas 

Image result for rat year chinese greetings  yue lai yue shun.....Vietnam slogan

the more you write
the better your words are formed
the more you blog
the better your life has become

yue lai yue shun
which means daily improved mindset
blogging is cool
a free blogging saves the lives of he, him, them and you.