Sunday, April 19, 2020

poetry and story inn fridays week 69, jingle poetry @washington state poetry potluck week 63, 62

Coronavirus: Trump: States can cancel standardized tests

final exam, how do you manage?


carson james, is he okay?

清平乐 (孤城闭)第一集, 第二集 ( 王凯 江疏影 吴越 喻恩泰 出演)

 清平乐吴越是配音吗演技最值得细品可惜下线太早- 秀目网 

sally ember, she seems okay in a drama 

 徽柔(任敏 饰)

 曹皇后曹丹姝扮演者江疏影资料_孤城闭曹皇后曹丹姝是谁演的介绍- 剧情族 

曹丹姝扮演者江疏影, cao danzhu by jiang suying

清平乐电视剧收视率怎么样清平乐原著小说结局是什么_娱乐资讯_新闻中心 ... 

some distant relatives

william manson,  maria perry, thomas pickens, ann  halligan,

tom lily, brad henry, zhimo xu, emma watson, yuan kong,

they perform

they record some historical events through eyes of Keelan,

a book and a mvie

scott larson, dan larson, jason grife, vivi holt, anderson cooper,